Abu Dhabi
+41 78 82 76625 (CH)
aymenlaadhari.official@gmail.com / laadhari@vision.ee.ethz.ch

Catégorie : Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

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Aymen Laadhari, and Alfio Quarteroni. Numerical modeling of heart valves using resistive Eulerian surfaces. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Wiley Online Library, 32(5):e02743, 2016.     LQ_IJNMBE2016 The goal of this work is the development and numerical implementation of a mathematical model describing the functioning of heart valves. To couple the pulsatile blood flow…
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Aymen Laadhari, Pierre Saramito, and Chaouqi Misbah. An adaptive finite element method for the modeling of the equilibrium of red blood cells. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Wiley Online Library, 80(7):397-428, 2016.     LSM_IJNMF2016 This contribution is concerned with the modeling of the static equilibrium of isolated red blood cell (RBC), and more generally…
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Aymen Laadhari and Gábor Székely. Implicit Eulerian Fluid-Structure Interaction Method for the Modeling of Highly Deformable Elastic Membranes. International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Physical, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 10(12):606-615, 2016.     LS_IJMCPECE2016 This paper is concerned with the development of a fully implicit and purely Eulerian fluid-structure interaction method tailored for the modeling of the large deformations of…
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Aymen Laadhari. An Implicit Methodology for the Numerical Modeling of Locally Inextensible Membranes. International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Physical, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 10(12):621-628, 2016.     L_IJMCPECE_16 This paper is concerned with the development of a fully implicit and purely Eulerian fluid-structure interaction method tailored for the modeling of the large deformations of elastic membranes…
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Aymen Laadhari, Pierre Saramito, and Chaouqi Misbah. Computing the dynamics of biomembranes by combining conservative level set and adaptive finite element methods. Journal of Computational Physics, 263:328–352, 2014.     LSM_JCP14 The numerical simulation of the deformation of vesicle membranes under simple shear external fluid flow is considered in this paper. A saddle-point approach is proposed for…
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Ricardo Ruiz-Baier, Alessio Gizzi, Simone Rossi, Christian Cherubini, Aymen Laadhari, Simonetta Filippi, and Alfio Quarteroni. Mathematical modelling of active contraction in isolated cardiomyocytes. Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 31 (3): 259-283, 2014.     RL_MMB_14 We investigate the interaction of intracellular calcium spatio-temporal variations with the self-sustained contractions in cardiac myocytes. A consistent mathematical model is presented…
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Aymen Laadhari, Ricardo Ruiz-Baier, and Alfio Quarteroni. Fully Eulerian finite element approximation of a fluid-structure interaction problem in cardiac cells. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 96: 712-738, 2013.   LRQ_IJNME_14 We propose in this paper an Eulerian finite element approximation of a coupled chemical fluid‐structure interaction problem arising in the study of mesoscopic cardiac…
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Aymen Laadhari, Pierre Saramito, and Chaouqi Misbah. Vesicle tumbling inhibited by inertia. Physics of Fluids, 24:031901, 2012.   LSM_PhyF_12 Vesicles under flow constitute a model system for the study of red blood cells (RBCs) dynamics and blood rheology. In the blood circulatory system the Reynolds number (at the scale of the RBC) is not always small enough for…
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