Abu Dhabi
+41 78 82 76625 (CH)
aymenlaadhari.official@gmail.com / laadhari@vision.ee.ethz.ch

Auteur/autrice : Laadhari Aymen

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Aymen Laadhari, Ricardo Ruiz-Baier, and Alfio Quarteroni. Fully Eulerian finite element approximation of a fluid-structure interaction problem in cardiac cells. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 96: 712-738, 2013.   LRQ_IJNME_14 We propose in this paper an Eulerian finite element approximation of a coupled chemical fluid‐structure interaction problem arising in the study of mesoscopic cardiac…
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Aymen Laadhari, Pierre Saramito, and Chaouqi Misbah. Vesicle tumbling inhibited by inertia. Physics of Fluids, 24:031901, 2012.   LSM_PhyF_12 Vesicles under flow constitute a model system for the study of red blood cells (RBCs) dynamics and blood rheology. In the blood circulatory system the Reynolds number (at the scale of the RBC) is not always small enough for…
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Aymen Laadhari, Pierre Saramito, and Chaouqi Misbah. Improving the mass conservation of the level set method in a finite element context. Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 348(9-10):535–540, 2010.   LSM_CRASP In this work, a new algorithm is proposed for improving the mass conservation of the level set method in the finite element context. Two kinds of Lagrange multipliers are…
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Aymen Laadhari, Chaouqi Misbah, and Pierre Saramito. On the equilibrium equation for a generalized biological membrane energy by using a shape optimization approach. Physica D, 239(16):1567-1572, 2010.     LSM_PhyD_10 A mechanical equilibrium equation of a vesicle membrane under a generalized elastic bending energy (a generalization of the energy of Canham-Helfrich-Evens) is obtained in this paper. Moreover,…
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Aymen Laadhari Master’s thesis (Research), University of Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France, Jun 2007. Speciality: Applied Mathematics. Dissertation: “Numerical modeling of the dynamics of viscoplastic flows with free interface” Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Pierre Saramito, Dr. Vuk Milisic. Team: MOISE (Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann) and National Research Center INRIA Rhône-Alpes. Keywords: Bingham flow, visco-plastic, pseudo-plug, plug region, yield stress,Navier-Stokes, plastic regime, Matched Asymptotic…
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Aymen Laadhari PhD thesis, University of Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France, Apr 2011. Speciality: Applied Mathematics. Dissertation: “Numerical modelling of the dynamics of red blood cells using the level set method” Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Pierre Saramito, Prof. Dr. Chaouqi Misbah. Keywords: Red Blood Cells, Vesicles, Mean curvature motion, Free surface flow, Finite Element Method, Level set method, Anisotropic mesh adaptation, Numerical…
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