Abu Dhabi
+41 78 82 76625 (CH)
aymenlaadhari.official@gmail.com / laadhari@vision.ee.ethz.ch

Mois : janvier 2020

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Aymen Laadhari . Implicit Finite Element methodology for the numerical modeling of incompressible two-fluid flows with moving hyperelastic interface. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 333C, pp. 376-400, 2018.     L_AppMathComputations_18 We present a numerical methodology based on the use of the Newton and level set methods and tailored for the simulation of incompressible immiscible two-fluid flows with…
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Aymen Laadhari . An operator-splitting strategy for Fluid-Structure Interaction problems with thin elastic structures in an incompressible Newtonian flow. Applied Mathematics Letters, Volume 81, July 2018, Pages 35-43.     L_AML_18 We present a computational framework based on the use of the Newton and level set methods to model fluid–structure interaction problems involving elastic membranes freely suspended…
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Aymen Laadhari, Pierre Saramito, Chaouqi Misbah, and Gabor Szekely. Fully implicit methodology for the dynamics of biomembranes and capillary interfaces by combining the level set and Newton methods. Journal of Computational Physics, 343:271–299,2017.     LSMS_JCP2017 This framework is concerned with the numerical modeling of the dynamics of individual biomembranes and capillary interfaces in a surrounding…
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Aymen Laadhari . Exact Newton method with third-order convergence to model the dynamics of bubbles in incompressible flow. Applied Mathematics Letters, 69C:138–145, 2017.     L_AML2017 In this work, we present a computational framework based on the use of the Newton and level set methods and tailored for the modeling of bubbles with surface tension in a surrounding Newtonian…
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Aymen Laadhari and Gábor Székely. Eulerian finite element method for the numerical modeling of fluid dynamics of natural and pathological aortic valves. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 319C:236–261, 2017.     LS_JCAM2017 We present a finite element methodology tailored for the simulation of pulsatile flow in the full aorta and sinus of Valsalva interacting with highly deformable…
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Aymen Laadhari and Gábor Székely. Fully implicit finite element method for the modeling of free surface flows with surface tension effect. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 111(11):1097–1074, 14 September 2017.     LS_IJNME2017 A new approach based on the use of the Newton and level set methods allows to follow…
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Aymen Laadhari and Gábor Székely. Warning about the Risk of Blood Flow Stagnation after Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation. International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Physical, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 11(1):33-37, 2017.     LS_IJMCPECE2017 In this work, the hemodynamics in the sinuses of Valsalva after Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation is numerically examined. We focus on the physical results in the…
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Aymen Laadhari, and Alfio Quarteroni. Numerical modeling of heart valves using resistive Eulerian surfaces. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Wiley Online Library, 32(5):e02743, 2016.     LQ_IJNMBE2016 The goal of this work is the development and numerical implementation of a mathematical model describing the functioning of heart valves. To couple the pulsatile blood flow…
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